Virtual Plasma Physics Series
Introduction to Plasma Physics
For Undergraduates
January 31st through May 2nd Weekly on Monday 12:30pm ESTCourse Description
The purpose of the class is to introduce plasma physics to students who have no prior knowledge of plasma physics. The class is at the level of 2nd and 3rd undergraduate students in physics, math or engineering. Students should have the equivalent of AP Physics background and preferably had a class on multivariable calculus.Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes
To feel more comfortable with concepts related to plasma physics. To learn some fundamental concepts and to learn terminology that can be useful when attending more advanced lectures like those offered through Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) or when beginning summer research. This class exposes students to plasmas and gives them more confidence moving forward.Textbook & Materials
“Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion” by Francis Chen.
Found in most university libraries.

Saskia Mordijck
Assistant Professor of Physics
College of William & Mary
Teaching Assistant

Carlos Cartagena-Sanchez
Graduate Student
Bryn Mawr College
Teaching Assistant

Josh Carlson
Graduate Student
Bryn Mawr College